FactSet Revere is a collection of unique content sets that provide dynamic industry taxonomy to offer investors a unique way to classify companies and analyze their performance. With this data you can now take advantage of highly granular and accurate sector and industry classifications, gain visibility into one of the core risk factors affecting the operating performance of a company – its supply chain, and access a 360-degree view of companies’ businesses. The following content sets are now available as codes and can be integrated into your templates and custom reports.
Industry and Sector Classifications: This dataset classifies companies into multiple and highly specific categories based on the products and services they sell and the sub-sectors in which they operate.
- Coverage includes over 40,000 of the most liquid and tradable exchange-listed companies across 78 countries and 27 global indexes
- Up to six levels of classification, including 1,400 specific sector groups
- U.S. history is available back to 2003 and international history back to 2006
Supply Chain Relationships: This comprehensive database of business relationships provides visibility into a company’s supply chain and its key customers, suppliers, competitors, and strategic partners.
- Coverage includes over 150,000 relationships
- Information is reviewed annually based on SEC filings
- History is available back to 2003
Hierarchy: This unique classification system groups companies with up to three times the depth found in commonly-used industry classifications, providing the information you need to understand companies’ real lines of business and the specialty sectors in which they operate.
- Coverage includes more than 5,700 U.S. companies and ADRs publicly traded on all major U.S exchanges
- Up to 12 levels of detail, including more than 11,000 product levels are available in the classification hierarchy structure
- History available back to 2003