The Financials sector will be a focus for the market during this week, as 80% of the S&P 500 companies that are scheduled to...
S&P 500 Financials Sector Earnings Preview: Q4 2024
The Financials sector will be a focus for the market during this week, as 80% of the S&P 500 companies that are scheduled to...
S&P 500 Will Likely Report Highest Earnings Growth in 3 Years for Q4
Based on the average improvement in the earnings growth rate during the earnings season, the index will likely report...
How Much Did Analysts Cut EPS Estimates for S&P 500 Companies for Q4?
The Q4 bottom-up EPS estimate (which is an aggregation of the median EPS estimates for Q4 for all the companies in the index)...
More S&P 500 Companies Issuing Negative EPS Guidance For Q4 Than Average
Overall, 106 S&P 500 companies have issued quarterly EPS guidance for the fourth quarter. Of these companies, 71 have issued...
Where Are Analysts Most Optimistic on Ratings for S&P 500 Companies Heading Into 2025?
Overall, there are 12,168 ratings on stocks in the S&P 500. Of these ratings, 54.0% are Buy ratings, 40.1% are Hold ratings, and...
S&P 500 CY 2025 Earnings Preview: Analysts Expect Earnings Growth of 15%
Analysts expect the S&P 500 to report double-digit earnings growth in CY 2025.
Via FactSet StreetAccount
Drafted by financial analysts, our StreetAccount news service scans a variety of legitimate news sources to offer comprehensive coverage on global economies and markets. Get real-time curated news about the companies, industries, and markets you follow with StreetAccount.
S&P 500 CY 2024 Earnings Preview: Analysts Expect Earnings Growth of 9.5%
Analysts expect the S&P 500 to report earnings growth for the fourth-straight year in CY 2024.
Industry Analysts Predict the S&P 500 Will Close Above 6,600 in 2025
Industry analysts in aggregate predict the S&P 500 will have a closing price of 6,678.18 in 12 months.
Are Analysts Cutting EPS Estimates More Than Average for S&P 500 Companies for Q4?
With the first two months of the quarter completed, have analysts lowered EPS estimates more than normal for S&P 500 companies...
Have Industry Analysts Overestimated S&P 500 EPS For 2025?
For 2025, the bottom-up EPS estimate for the S&P 500 (which reflects an aggregation of the median EPS estimates for CY 2025 for...
Earnings Insight Infographic: Q3 2024 By the Numbers
Each week, Earnings Insight offers analysis of critical trends in the S&P 500. Here are key highlights of the third quarter 2024...
What is Driving the Higher Expected Earnings Growth for the S&P 500 for Q4 2024?
The S&P 500 is reporting earnings growth of 5.8% for Q3 2024. However, for Q4 2024, the estimated earnings growth rate for the...
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