Canadian ETF Fund Flows: A Snapshot of 2023 Trends
In reviewing Canadian ETF fund flows for 2023, we observed the following trends.
M&A: Thoughts on the Cycle in 2024
We are updating our M&A market outlook with thoughts for the new year ahead. FactSet’s U.S. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) data...
2024 Outlook: 9 Views on What to Watch Across S&P 500 Earnings, AI, Banks, and More
With 2023 in the rear-view mirror, global capital markets open a new chapter in 2024 with a mix of possibilities and...
The Days That Moved the US Market in 2023
In 2023, S&P 500 has bounced back from the difficult environment in 2022 that saw a decline of more than 19%. Year to date the...
U.S Mergers & Acquisitions Monthly Review: November 2023
U.S. M&A deal activity decreased in November, going down 15.3% with 1,073 announcements compared to 1,267 in October. Aggregate...
The (Bar)bell Curve: Looking at the Dispersion of PME Alpha by Private Market Funds
In past charts, we’ve discussed our PME (public market equivalent) engine and how it can be used to analyze a fund or group of...
3 Red Flags to Avoid the Snake Oil of ChatGPT Stock Pickers
There’s a popular but dangerous trend spreading even into reputable news sources: Articles about how ChatGPT has been used to...
Looking Back on a Chilly Year for IPOs, and Why 2024 Could Warm the Waters
The global IPO market continues to run cold. The final quarter of 2023 paces to be the softest Q4 IPO count since 2019 while the...
Building Products Housing Market Update
There are many macro and industry fundamentals that can move building-products equities. This article considers rates, mortgage...
Black Swan Risks and Valuation Gaps: The Struggles of Single-Asset Miners
While companies in most industries can relocate operations to jurisdictions advantageous to costs, availability of labour and...
U.S. Mergers & Acquisitions Monthly Review: October 2023
U.S. M&A deal activity increased in October, going up 8.5% with 1,219 announcements compared to 1,124 in September. Aggregate M&A...
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