Monitoring the Impact of Slowing Growth in Insurance Premiums
In the insurance industry right now, premiums are increasing but the rate of that increase is no longer going up.
Investors and Traders Need to Track Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) Content
A single positive or negative announcement from the FDA can send shares of a biotech firm soaring or turn a hot name quickly into...
U.S. IPO Market: SPACs Continue to Dominate in the First Quarter of 2021
In 2020 we saw a surge in IPOs on U.S. exchanges, fueled by a boom in offerings from SPACs. So far in 2021, we’re seeing a...
Capture Today’s Five Market Megatrends with Thematic ETFs
Investors should focus on market megatrends and consider the thematic exchange-traded fund (ETF) approaches that are tailored to...
Uncovering the Value of Individuals Through Client Relationship Management Systems
Content associated with an individual can be used for in-house workplace applications such as Client Relationship Management...
The CEOs Who Defined 2020, the Year of the SPAC
Who are the founders and CEOs behind SPACs? How do they compare to the leaders that took the traditional route to list their...
STOXX 600: Europe Beats Earnings Expectations but Struggles to Return to Growth
With more than 90% of companies in the STOXX Europe 600 having reported fourth-quarter earnings, companies are performing better...
Impact of Rising Rates on the Mortgage Market
Mortgage-backed securities interact with interest rates in more complex ways than do most other asset classes.
Steepening Yield Curve Upends Traditional Bank Pecking Order
While low interest rates were a net negative for banks back in 2019, banks are now enjoying a vastly more favorable interest rate...
Using Event Data to Identify the Re-Opening Winners
2021 is off to a hot start for many stocks that stand to benefit from strong cyclical economic growth and pent-up demand from...
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