How Much Is Consumer Spending Still Being Impacted By COVID-19?
Based on Q4 data, it appears consumers have continued and accelerated their prior spending patterns due to trends caused by...
Five Economic Charts to Watch in 2021: United States
Recent U.S. economic data points to slowing growth in Q4, with many economists now fearing that the U.S. economy may experience a...
Twenty-Five Years of Ups and Downs: Asia Pacific Economies Over Time
As FactSet celebrates the 25th anniversary of our Tokyo office, here we examine some of the events that have shaped the Asia...
Five Economic Charts to Watch in Q4 2020 and Beyond: Asia Pacific
The regional and global economic shutdowns have had a severe impact on the Asia Pacific economies.
Five Economic Charts to Watch in Q4 2020: Europe
In recent weeks, many European countries have been forced to reinstate lockdown measures to combat a second wave of infections.
Five Economic Charts to Watch: China
Here we examine some of the inflection points and trends that will guide us in monitoring the recovery happening in China and its...
Five Economic Charts to Watch in 2H 2020: United States
As the world continues dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. economic recovery remains extremely fragile.
An Uncertain Global Economic Outlook
As seen in increasingly pessimistic growth forecasts, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the global economic outlook for...
Five Economic Charts to Watch: Canada (COVID-19 Edition)
Due to the imposition of nationwide measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian economic activity was sharply curtailed...
Does a Fiscal Reckoning Loom for South Africa?
South Africa's March 27 implementation of stringent COVID-19 lockdown measures have dealt yet another blow to an already...
Five Economic Charts to Watch: Asia Pacific (COVID-19 Edition)
The severity of the COVID-19 outbreaks and the economic impact has varied from country to country within the Asia Pacific region.
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