Winners and Losers Three Years after the Bear Oil Market of 2014
As oil prices pump back up, which industries fared better than others?
Economic Impact of Amazon-Whole Foods Deal May be Limited
How the mega merger could affect deflation, the grocery industry, and the retail industry as a whole.
How to Position for Falling (or Rising) Consumer Confidence
How do different sectors absorb swings in consumer confidence?
Do U.S. Economic Expectations Match Reality?
Despite a strong start, some 2017 indicator trajectories are stalling.
Eurozone Eyes Overdue Economic Recovery
GDP forecasts and unemployment rates indicate recovery on the horizon.
Hedging Against a Frexit Future
Investors who make geographic revenue distinctions are well poised to reap the profits or hedge potential risk of a possible...
Housing Affordability and the Australian Consumer
What do increasing consumer debt and soaring costs mean for the Australian housing market?
Since Election, Combat Stocks Continue to Surge
Combat and Support stocks have seen gains of more than 40% since November 2016.
Central Banks Maintain Policy Positions for Now
Most policy makers are anxious to return to a more “normal” monetary policy environment.
Hubbard, Krugman Predict Economic Impact of Trump Presidency
Attendees at FactSet's US Investment Process Symposium heard world renowned economists Paul Krugman and Glenn Hubbard look ahead...
IMF Growth Outlook Down for Mature Markets, Up for Emerging
Global growth projections mask divergent growth paths: weak for advanced economies and more robust for emerging markets
Foreign Money Heating up Canadian Housing Market
Can government intervention cool down overseas demand?
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