For ESG in Fixed Income, Proof Is in the Pudding
As interest in passive and smart beta fixed income funds continues to increase, ESG provides a way to differentiate from other...
ESG in Fixed Income: The Potential for Outperformance
Accepting the potential role of ESG in fixed income AUM growth, does integration of ESG data provide potential for outperformance?
Finding Hidden Risks Among European Uncertainties
Politically, 2017 could prove to be as active as 2016. How do you hedge for the unknowns?
Are Supply Chain Relationships the Causation for Correlation?
Supply chain relationships data can explain the correlation structure between equity returns of companies.
Prices and Volatilities on the Eve of French Elections
Historically, the correlation between the index returns and the volatility index changes has been strongly negative. Is that the...
The Dust Has Settled on Fixed Income Attribution
While a fairly standard set of methodologies has emerged, it’s important to remember that there is still more to fixed income...
The Benefits of Active Management: How to Compete with Low-Cost Funds and Win
The complementary analysis portfolio managers need to strengthen their case for the higher fees that active management commands.
Weathering Uncertainty with Better Attribution
Leveraging a flexible attribution model lets investors see when a portfolio is performing to its full potential.
Overcrowding in the Alternatives Market
How do we know if the alternatives market is overcrowded, and if it is, what is the potential impact?
Risk Analysis of the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY)
One of the most widely known measures of the value of the United States Dollar is the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY), which has been...
What Does the Front Office Need from Heads of Performance?
If your performance team can’t talk to the front office, the process will break down, and everyone will suffer.
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