The Decline of Gold: Where Will Prices Go Next?
What factors have contributed to the recent decline in gold prices, and where does Wall Street think prices will go next?
Low oil prices put pressure on exporting countries
The low oil price environment may stick around for awhile, putting further pressure on oil exporting countries.
Combined oil, ruble shocks could pose threats to holdings across asset classes
In isolation, the Oil and Ruble shocks do not have much impact on our sample portfolio. But what happens when they're combined?
Plummeting Oil Prices Fuel Currency Markets
Weak demand and strong supplies globally are driving oil prices down. This is having a mixed effect on various countries,...
European Countries Show Uneven Exposure to Ukraine Crisis
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine threatens to further destabilize a shaky European economy.
Longer Life, Shorter Retirement?
This past spring Germany passed a controversial pension reform package that lowered the retirement age for many Germans.
Latin American economic outlook restrained by weak commodity prices
The 2014 growth forecast for Latin America and the Caribbean was recently lowered significantly compared to the October 2013...
Brazil's success with renewable energy
This summer Brazil’s government announced that it was launching a plan to increase the role of renewable energy sources over the...
How does the economy affect your mortgage rate?
A study of how interest rate spreads are sensitive to major turning points in the economy.
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