Mitigating Portfolio Risk from the Yuan’s Devaluation
Given that the weightings of multinationals in many global equity benchmarks and investment portfolios are likely to be...
Active Is as Active Does: Wading Into the Active-Share Debate
Even without knowing anything about a manager’s process, we can discern some problems with active share as a measure of potential...
Grexit and the Possibility of Contagion
As the odds shift towards an exit from the Euro for Greece, what are the risks of risks spreading across the Eurozone, and how...
Quantamental Investing: The Best of Both Worlds?
The Quantamental approach is efficient and effective, but not easy.
Geographic Revenues in the Face of a Strong U.S. Dollar
How a normalized dataset, can clear a path to analyzing how various market environments affect revenues.
There’s still time to prepare for China A Shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index
China A-shares aren't included yet, but the impact has only been delayed.
Three Themes Hitting the ETF Market
Themes such as Smart Beta are dominating the ETF landscape, but are they good for investors?
(Re)location Matters: Would Relocation Put the H Back in HSBC?
And are we safe assuming a company to be just a product of its country of domicile?
Currency shocks can shock your performance
How exposure to the Eurozone could affect your portfolio in the event of a major currency shock.
Focused on revenue? Don't ignore debt.
Analyzing Source of Capital based on geographic exposure creates a new understanding of both market and liquidity risk.
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